• Valorado con 4.6 en Reviews.io

So Just Shop
Sobre So Just Shop
A sustainable lifestyle brand with a curation of ethically-sourced accessories and homeware, handcrafted by female artisans from some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. SO JUST SHOP strives to make sustainability accessible and wearable, while ensuring each purchase positively impacts the lives of the artisans and their surrounding communities. Our product range includes accessories and homeware hand-crafted by women in living in extreme poverty, disabled women, ex-sex workers, refugees, women viewed as outcast by society and survivors of domestic abuse and trafficking. Many of the co-operatives that we work with provide women with literacy and numeracy lessons, creches and education for their children and extended family, as well as a legal and safe form of employment, that pays them a fair living wage.
Del propietario
Every product has a story behind it, how it was made, who made that product and how your purchase can make a positive impact on the artisans' lives. We strive to make sustainable and ethically made goods affordable whilst providing a decent living for those who make them.
Bandejas rectangulares
Tabaka Chigware Youths Self Help Group
Anillo de remolino
Artisans & Adventurers
Olla pequeña
Tabaka Chigware Youths Self Help Group
Anillo Akira
So Just Shop
Anillo de flecha de aluminio
Artisans & Adventurers
Bufanda de lana de crema
Portavelas blanco
Tabaka Chigware Youths Self Help Group
Jarrón de esteatita negra
Tabaka Chigware Youths Self Help Group
Eve collar
Pendiente Kiara Rosa
Pendientes Supriti