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MonocleThe Book Of Photography
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Back in 2007 the first issues of Monocle magazine hit newsstands and kiosks around the globe. At its core was a pledge to commission all original photography – capturing the world on film, on the ground and in the moment. In the years since, Monocle has continued in its pursuit of documenting through its unique lens – from embassies and personal residences to world leaders and cultural stars. Each issue has featured a dedicated image-led Expo section celebrating lesser-known locales, obscure events and curious characters through truly outstanding photography. Syrian cities, French legionnaires, Thai festival goers, brutalist architecture and private member’s clubs have all graced the pages of the magazine.

The Monocle Book of Photography draws on the best of these visual stories from an archive a decade and a half in the making. A handsomely produced linen-bound edition, the book also features original reporting about each of the assignments, as well as first-hand accounts from the photographers and editors involved.

276 pages, hardcover

Dimensions: 30.8 x 23.5 x 2.5 cm


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