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The beautifully illustrated Bug Bingo features 64 species of bugs from around the world. Identify all kinds of insects – from the giant hawker dragonfly to the kissing bug and the orchid bee to the sacred scarab – mark them off on your card and bingo! Bring a fun and educational twist to the traditional game as players learn the names and colourings of both favourite species like the honey bee and more exotic bugs like the vampire moth. Contains one masterboard, 64 superbly illustrated bug tokens, 12 bingo cards and brightly coloured counters for you to mark up your card, as well as a leaflet containing basic information and a few quirky traits for all of the bugs featured. Author: Berrie, Christine Publisher: Laurence King Format: Paperback Publication Date: 01/01/2014 ISBN: 9781856699402 B-Code: B012624 Illustrated: Colour Illustrations Pages: 64 Dimensions: 236x262mm

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