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'The universe is made of stories, not atoms.' - Muriel Rukeyser Today’s world wants to know you and the real story behind why you do what you do. Whether you have a product to sell, a company mission to share or an audience to entertain, people are far more likely to engage and connect if you deliver a well-crafted story with an emotional core. Bobette Buster is a story consultant to major studios including Pixar, Disney and Sony Animation. In Do Story she teaches the art of telling powerful and engaging stories. With profiles of activists, leaders and visionaries, she shares a variety of styles and subjects to demonstrate her Ten Principles of Storytelling. Find out How to source, structure and shape your story The power of the 'gleaming detail' Why an emotional connection is key Newly updated and expanded with two new chapters, beautiful artwork by Millie Marotta and plenty of practical tips and exercises, you will discover how to take your own storytelling from good...to great. So, what’s your story? 
 136 pages 17.8 x 12 cm

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