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This book is about disruption. About doing things differently. About having ideas that will change the world. That will at least change your world. It’s also about delivering those ideas. Do Disrupt is an interactive workbook that will help you create or refine your business idea and take it from concept to market. It will encourage you to define your customer, identify the competition... and then outsmart them. You’ll also find out why you need a chat with your Nan and a tape measure. Newly updated for 2017, this expanded edition features a new introduction, a brand new chapter on how to create positive change from within a larger organisation, fresh insight on global trends driving disruption, how to generate ideas, boost creativity and define your purpose.  If you're starting a new business or you're the rebel inside, it's not enough to shake things gently. It's about thinking big. Being innovative. Making a difference.  144 pages 17.8 x 12 cm

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