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RizzoliEvery Room Should Sing Book Beata Heuman
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Every Room Should Sing - Beata Heuman

Beata Heuman is one of the bright young things of the UK interior design world. Born in Sweden her studio is now based in West London. Before setting up her own practice she trained with Nicky Haslam.

In this book she focusses on matters that she often think are overlooked when it comes to interiors 'things that we all need to feel at ease, such as variety, sentimentality, and even a sense of mystery.'  The first chapter asks the question What is a home? and she makes good use of her own home in answering that question. Subsequent chapters are illustrated by projects that she has completed in other people's homes. There are recurring motifs in her style; mirrors cut to shape to accommodate lighting, Nicky Haslam's 'shutter stripe' fabric and Svenskt Tenn patterns; all of which are combined in an interesting, cohesive and playful manner.

As well as the domestic projects she also refers to some commercial projects that she has undertaken and the different requirements made of these spaces.

Hardback. 240 pages.


21.6cm x 26.6cm x 2.2cm

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