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PhaidonWhat A Shell Can Tell Book
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Discover the mesmerizing world of seashells in "What a Shell Can Tell," a visually stunning and information-packed book that celebrates the art of observation. Renowned marine biologist Helen Scales takes children on a captivating journey, introducing them to the wonders of shells found in both ocean and land environments. Through a delightful question-and-answer format and immersive sensory experiences, readers will explore the remarkable diversity of shells and the fascinating creatures that inhabit them. From deciphering the secrets revealed by a shell's shape, color, or texture to uncovering the surprising places where shells can be found, this book offers an up-close encounter with the marvels of nature.


* Format: Hardback

* Size: 315 × 254 mm (12 3/8 × 10 in)

* Pages: 48 pp

* Illustrations: 48 illustrations

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