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PendletonUnnapped Jacquard Throw In Big Medicine Oxford
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The rare white bison occurs only once in every 10 million births. In 1933, a white buffalo was born in the wild on Montana's Flathead Indian Reservation and was called "Big Medicine" to reflect his sacred power. Many Native American tribes consider the return of the White Buffalo the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy and the beginning of a new era for the peoples and Mother Earth. Tradition spoke of the coming of a herd of pure White Buffalo. The seven bison on this blanket represent the seven directions: North, South, East, West, Above, Below and Within. Together they symbolize wholeness for mankind and the earth. Prayer pipes signify mankind's communication with the Creator. In the centre of the blanket, within the circle of life, are four hands representing the diverse peoples of the world and a new beginning. Shades of brown and green reflect the natural beauty of Mother Earth.

64" x 80" / 162cm x 203cm

Napped, felt-bound

Pure virgin wool/cotton

Dry clean

Made in USA


In 1863 a young English weaver named Thomas Kay had a vision of raising his own sheep and producing his own wool in America. Chasing the American dream, Kay set sail to Oregon, America’s newest state at the time. Kay built his own family-operated mill, teaching and eventually passing on the business to his eldest daughter Fannie. From the creation of Pendleton’s first woolen mill in 1893, Fannie helped build upon her father’s legacy.

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