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Mollie PalingLarge Lung Ring
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Irregular shape rings 5mm/1.7mm thick.

Available in Large Size W.

Recycled sterling silver.

**About Mollie Paling**

Mollie Paling is a Brighton based jeweller founded in 2015, her focus on sustainability and the handmade process has informed her practice from its conception. Inspired by her adoration for geometric form and simplistic design she has built a distinct style.

As a graduate of Jewellery and Goldsmithing at the Craft Council of Ireland, Mollie has transferred this intensive training of traditional technique and skill alongside her eye for contemporary design and detail, into her practice today.

Her eye for geometric shapes and detail comes from Mollie's love of architecture and linear form. She channels this into her work by creating unique pieces for everyday wear within thoughtful collections, as well as offering bespoke commissions in which she creates an atmosphere where the client is closely involved in the design journey.

With a strong focus on sustainable materials, Mollie understands the importance of using recycled and ethically sourced products where possible and is a firm believer in quality over quantity. She creates pieces that are designed to last and be cherished by the wearer, while trying to make as little impact on the environment as she can, Mollie's ethos is ‘to reuse and remodel’ where possible.

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