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Mobility On BoardMoony Luminous Speaker
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Moony luminous speaker: This luminous Bluetooth moon speaker will be ideal for adding a beautiful decorative touch while diffusing music and a soft, white light. If you like to get away from it all and have some time to yourself, this moon will be the perfect companion on your journey. As much design as techno, this novelty will seduce many. You'll be able to adjust the light as you wish, and control the music with the remote control supplied. This lamp is a perfect reproduction of the Moon, with all its details faithfully reproduced. So take a musical trip to the moon with this speaker! The lamp is WIRELESS and the battery supplied has an autonomy of 8 to 30 hours, depending on the light intensity chosen. Simply recharge with the USB cable supplied. You can hold it in your hand • it doesn't heat up, so there's no danger!

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