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MinilandBaby Doll 21cm
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Finding a good quality doll is always a challenge and getting one that isn't just going to be discarded, but loved forever, is nothing short of a shopping nightmare. With these we think we've got the holy grail. A collection of immensely lovable and sweet smelling dolls that are are out of the box ready to be adored, cherished and set up for hour after hour of play. Available in 8 fantastic different choices these dolls will be sure to delight each and every day. Our dolls don't come with an expected backstory entwined in a 2-hour long film or a brittle and restrictive set of accessories and awkwardly posed theming. They are a blank canvas for creativity and enjoyment. Together they can form part of a loved collection or individually as a firm favourite. The limit of these stunning dolls capabilities is only found as far as your child's mind can stretch and we see these being a long term companion as much as a sought after collectible. We see a doll, or dolls as an opportunity for a child to engage in real dramatic play and envisage themselves in a positions of responsibility for another human, something which has been suggested many times over to very positively improve their ability to take ownership of situations and allow them to think through times where they might interact with siblings, infants and other children in a way that is good for all involved. Approx 21cm

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