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KarstPraxis Method - 3 Journal Set
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Known as the Praxis Method, this versatile system helps to dramatically alter your life trajectory, track your progress along the way, and pivot your strategy when you feel stagnant or stuck.

What is the Praxis Method?

We’ve studied and condensed fundamental papers that built the principles of positive psychology. The Praxis Method takes the endless barrage of knowledge and theory out there and puts it in a format you can digest and take action. By implementing Praxis, you will be able to develop new life-changing habits, practice gratitude and formulate mindfulness techniques. Features include:

* Mindfulness Praxis: Be more present, attentive and serene

* Gratitude Praxis: Practice gratitude daily

* Habits Praxis: Develop a new, life-changing habit

* Daily journaling activities for self-improvement

* Weekly reflection prompts to track progress

* Backed by science and built on the principles of positive psychology

**Material:**144GSM stone paper

**Item Dimensions:**A5 / 148 pages per journal

**Weight (incl packaging):**20 kg

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