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BLAFREEbb and Flow Metallic Square Box
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Lovely little box of practical size.

Approved for storing dry food.

The boxes are made of metal and are approved for dry food storage.

Transport dimensions: 10.2 cm x 10.2 cm x 8 cm (LxWxH).

Weight: 0.1140 kg.


Sand between the toes, the hunt for mussels. Crabs in the bucket and water in the boots when you forget and wash too far and it floats over the edge and into the socks. Then the adults cry, but it's too late. The joy shelf when you discover an extra lovely shell, but also little treasures that no one else understands the value of, and then you see pilfering, mysterious creatures under rocks and seaweed, floundering with camouflage and jagged crabs. There's so much going on in the shore! This new series of BLAFRE is inspired by the fine creatures and beautiful colors along the coast. We pay homage to the beach, quiet strolls in the shoreline, relaxation to the sound of tidal waves and the sea that is so important to us all.

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