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4MWeather Science Kit
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14-tägige Rückgaberecht

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Play and discover the science behind different weather phenomena acid rain, global warming, foggy clouds, etc. Natural science games related to weather and meteorology will excite your child. You will be able to discover what a lightning balloon is, why sometimes our hair stands on end or why there are times when the water is diverted and does not follow the course he or she thought.

This Climate Science kit includes different experiments based on some of the most incredible phenomena in nature. Your child will be able to create their own cloud maker and understand why they form and how they interact with the environment.

You will also be able to experiment with the greenhouse effect and global warming, as well as create a mini water cycle model to understand that water moves between the oceans, atmosphere, land, lakes and rivers and vegetation.

Water evaporates from the oceans, condenses in the air to form clouds, water from clouds falls as rain and runs down rivers to reach the ocean. This movement of water is called "the water cycle" and your child will be able to create his. In a reduced version, of course.

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