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4MSalt Water Power Robot Toy
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Create your own mini robot and watch how it moves, it just needs a little salt and you will see how it moves. Great for experimenting with the world of robotics. Salt Powered Robot is an amazing robotic science game that surprises kids and adults. It is a mini robot with arms and on wheels that moves thanks to the energy of salt water.

With this robotics kit your child will discover that magnesium, copper and salt water form a battery that generates the electricity that drives the motor.

A battery with these components is called a magnesium-air battery, because it produces electricity from a chemical reaction between magnesium and oxygen in the air, forming magnesium oxide. The reaction releases energy in the form of electricity.

With this toy you will also understand that there are different ways to generate energy to make things work. In this case, the robot's battery, which is magnesium-air, produces almost five times more energy than a lithium-ion battery, which is used in mobile phones and other small devices.

This is a better type of battery for the environment because fewer batteries are needed to do the same and they also function as emergency power sources.

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