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4MPotato Clock Making Kit
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Thanks to the Potato Clock you can now tell the time with just one potato. Build your own clock and never run out of batteries.

This fun science game introduces your child to the operation of batteries and electricity in a very original way. You can build your own LED clock thanks to a potato and all the parts that are included in the kit.

The metal strips and the potatoes form a simple battery that creates the electricity needed to run the clock, and each potato works like a device called an electromechanical cell. It takes two potatoes to make the energy strong enough to run the clock. The potato contains the particles that allow the current to circulate, but prevent the metals from touching. Electric current also circulates along the wires that connect the zinc and copper strips to the watch. That current runs the clock. In addition to potatoes, the watch also works with different liquids, such as fruit juice, salt water or fruits such as lemon, orange or tomato. The fun has no limits.

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