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4MLabyrinth Planter Kit
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This kit includes 3 fun science games "grow and watch", "garden maze" and "bean race". Fascinate your child with the power of nature.

This original natural science game is great for introducing your child to the basics of nature and the process of plant growth. You can grow your own beans and watch the roots develop in the planter as they find their own way to the sun and find their way out of the maze. You will also be able to do a bean race and be amazed by seeing how plants grow in the absence of light, experimenting with germination and transplant techniques and consolidating different knowledge of natural sciences. Thanks to the Labyrinth Planter, your child will enjoy nature more and will understand how many of the vegetables that we eat every day grow and develop. In addition to the 3 science projects, you can also carry out more experiments growing different seeds, such as carrots, potatoes or onions and comparing the growth if instead of watering your child uses other liquids, such as vinegar. Cultivating has never been so much fun.

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