• Bewertet mit 4,6 auf reviews.io

  • Kostenloser Versand, wenn Sie mehr als €90.00 bei einer Boutique ausgeben

Bestellungen können etwas länger dauern, da diese Boutique vom 22 Dec bis 12 Jan 2025 im Urlaub ist.
Über Bass
TROUSSELIER is well known for its famous comforters including "Angel bunny", musical mobiles and playmats with music. TROUSSELIER offer a large choice of music boxes around timeless standards (ballerinas, princesses,...), musical dancings with magnetic figurines developed for babies, and jewelry boxes. The "Magic Lantern" is a unique product that has driven success all over these past 30 years. We love its traditional aspect and that silent story that is shown to your eyes when the cylinder is starting to move with light heat. This is Magic !
Tim Mechanical Bird
Bass et bass
Knight Hand Puppet
Bass et bass
Blue Fairy Hand Puppet
Bass et bass
Guignol Hand Puppet
Bass et bass