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Startseite / Lifestyle / Books & Stationery / Stationery / Million Things To Do Before You Die Journal - Prompted Journal
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An entertaining (and adventurous) to-do list of sorts. Yes, this prompted journal is filled to the brim with countless things to accomplish - but instead of stuff like cleaning out the gutters, you’ll only find fun (and crazy) things that everyone should do before they turn into some boring old person. But once you get close…yell at some kids on your lawn. It’s in the book too.
Author: Brass Monkey
Publisher: Chronicle (Vatable Products)
Format: Hardback
Publication Date: 01/03/2022
B-Code: B061460
Pages: 200
Dimensions: 203x114mm
Das Produkt wird versendet von: CACTWS in Aberystwyth, UK.
Kommt schon bald an, wenn Sie heute bestellen! Voraussichtliche Lieferung: Di. 14 Jan. – Do. 16 Jan.
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