Created in 1996 in Fontain, France, ibride is known for its undeniably eccentric selection of original and artful pieces. Innovation, independence and collaboration are further values this truly uniqu...Read more
Created in 1996 in Fontain, France, ibride is known for its undeniably eccentric selection of original and artful pieces. Innovation, independence and collaboration are further values this truly unique label prides itself on. Inspirations range from the animal kingdom to the quiet reverence of natural history museums and Victorian ephemera. Expect luxurious furniture pieces like extravagant coffee tables or fringed cabinets and distinctive decor such as illustrated serving trays, collector portraits and stackable tableware that double up as a statement piece for any home. Their signature characters that reappear across each of the brand’s collections create a true sense of familiarity and the collectable nature of these investment-worthy pieces.