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Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh Grown

Designed by
Sprouts of Bristol
    Sprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh GrownSprouts of Bristol Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh Grown

Scientific Name Streptocarpus ionantha (twisted fruit with violet flower)

Common Name African Violet, Saintpaulia, Kenya Violet, Usambra Violet, Cape Primrose

Origin Native to Eastern and Southwestern Tanzania

Description Despite the name, the African Violet is not a violet- but it will produce flowers in a rainbow of colours! Choose this plant for a bright, contrasting display with lush green foliage and bright blooms. Flowering in late spring will be more likely if your Streptocarpus has had a nice winter rest, or dormancy period, with lower temperatures and less water. Deadheading the spent flowers can encourage longer bloom times, too, and even when the plant is not flowering you'll have its gorgeous broad green leaves to admire, which will keep growing, albeit more slowly, while the plant is dormant.

Light In Spring and Summer, provide bright but indiret light; to help with its dormancy in autumn and winter, add a couple of hours of direct sunlight per day.

Water Streptocarpus love consistency with soil moisture. Water thoroughly once the top third of the soil dries and let excess water drain out. Reduce watering in autumn and winter so as not to overdo it!

Humidity Likes fairly humid air and will benefit from a pebble tray. If the tips of the leaves start to brown and curl, this is a sign that the air is a little dry! Hose down the leaves every few weeks to stop dust gathering.

Use a well-draining houseplant soil to ensure its roots aren't too soggy. A mix with added sand or coir would work well! Repot every 3-4 years in spring when not in bloom as the plant grows.

Food Feed every couple of weeks in the growing season, reduce to every month in autumn and winter. When in bloom, use a feed high in potassium to prolong blooming.

Temperature Average household temperatures of about 14-20°C are ideal- make sure it doesn't drop far below 12°C in winter.

Pet-safe Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant!

Sprouts Top Tips Streptocarpi go through a dormancy period in autumn and winter; at these times be sure to fertilise and water less as the plant is growing less. It would also appreciate ambient temperatures being lower, at about 12°C.

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Streptocarpus Ionantha 'sheena' - Welsh Grown

Designed by
Sprouts of Bristol
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