
Toby Tiger

Au sujet de Toby Tiger

Basé à Brighton, Toby Tiger (fondé par Zoe Mellor) s'est fait un nom produisant des vêtements audacieux, durables, intemporels et de haute qualité pour les enfants. La philosophie de Toby Tiger est que les enfants soient habillés en tant qu'enfants dans leurs imprimés et motifs colorés et instantanément reconnaissables. Les conceptions sont unisexes, faites pour durer et transmises de génération en génération.

Founder image

De la part du fondateur

"Notre objectif en tant que boutique est simple: remettre la joie dans les vêtements pour enfants avec des couleurs vives et des motifs audacieux que nous nous concevons."


Meet Zoe - Toby Tiger founder & designer

In 1998, I founded Toby Tiger, named for my 25-year-old son Toby, whose real middle name is Tiger! I wanted to create bold, playful, colourful, and timeless designs. My philosophy has always been to dress kids like kids, with clever design details that make it easy and comfortable for them to wear our clothes. I was the first organic brand to use colour, azo-free dyes, and sustainable prints and manufacturing that are good for the environment. I have always advocated for organic cotton. Kids and I have always adored bright colours. Before moving to Brighton, I started my career designing from a small studio in Clerkenwell, London, called Cockpit Studios. It was a fun place to be and a hub for a group of young designers; When I moved to Brighton, I opened our first shop, which served as a cutting room for new designs and garments. We used to have a group of knitters and sewers who worked as t-shirt printers locally to make our first collections. It was a lot of hands-on work, but as demand increased and more stockists wanted our designs, we gradually and organically started making more clothing in Turkey, India, and China factories. Ultimately, we moved into our flagship store on Gardner Street in the heart of Brighton's bustling north Laine district in 2003. This shop is still here today!

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De Toby Tiger

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