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KawasakiGosei JushiSimple Coffee Mill By Kawasaki Gosei Jushi
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This simple portable coffee grinder, offers an introduction to hand grinding coffee beans on the go. Made by Kawasaki Jushi from their Sanjo base, the grinder boasts a ceramic blade which can be adjusted for fine or course grinds. Part of the company’s Millu series, this one offers the grind apparatus of others in the range - within a more simple body. On the side of the piece there is a pleasant entreaty to take a break. The grinder is correct, you should. With freshly ground beans, the aroma of coffee will assist this, and the lightweight portability of this grinder means it is something you can enjoy at home, or on the road.

The grinders are 6cm in diameter, and 14.7cm in height. They weigh 235g, and take a load of around 26g of coffee beans.

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