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Atelier HOKOScience Of The Secondary Toliet Paper
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Science of the Secondary is an inquisitive approach towards uncovering implicit conditions that exist in our experience of the everyday. When speaking of the term ‘secondary’, we are referring to conditions and sensations that human beings are not conscious of in their day-to-day interaction with things and the immediate surroundings. Accumulating this rich and boundless field of knowledge, the research hopes to draw upon a renewed sensibility towards living, with much excitement and freshness. "The life of toilet paper is fundamentally short-lived; smeared with shit and left to disintegrate in smelly water, it is found in almost every toilet as a sign of hygienic assurance. Even though its absence is a major cause of panic amongst toilet users, the toilet roll remains a lowly object and ever so often, a cause for embarrassment or awkward giggles when encountered or merely mentioned. Considering how excreting faeces is an everyday affair for all, such sentiments towards a roll of tissue destined to keep one’s butt hygiene in order seems rather immature..." 'Science of the Secondary: Toilet Paper' is the tenth edition in the series of ongoing research conceived and developed by Atelier HOKO. 175 x 250 mm 60 pages Saddle Stitched Photography & Illustrations in Full Colour English First Published in March 2019 ISBN 978-981-14-0380-4 Published by Atelier HOKO

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